Expected delivery:
6 - 9 Business Days US
6 - 12 Business Days Worldwide
How long are your shipping times?
Expected delivery:
6 - 9 Business Days US
6 - 12 Business Days Worldwide
Do you offer a money-back guarantee?
Absolutely! We have a 30 DAY RETURN - If for any reason you decide you aren't satisfied, contact our helpful customer support within 30 days of receiving your order and we’ll refund you, no questions asked!
Will it fit my vehicle?
It's a universal fit that measures 23*17 inch. One size fits the most vehicles, SUVs, trucks, MPVs, pickup, etc.
After they get loaded up, they can be transferred from set to seat location or from vehicle to another vehicle very easily.
It can be installed behind the seat or even in front of the seat when there is no passenger sitting on it.
Will it sag behind my seat?
No, It will not! The Organizer features two adjustable straps and a durable buckle to fit around your headrest and at the bottom between the seat back and base. With its tough stitching way, it can hold up to 50 lbs.
We offer free-replacement if the product doesn't hold well or loose stitching.